Press Release - Dr. Janet McElhaney of Health Sciences North receives March of Dimes Canada’s Jonas Salk Award

February 25, 2021

Dr Janet McElhaney
Health Sciences North researcher receives  
March of Dimes Canada’s Jonas Salk Award  

Toronto, ON – February 25, 2021 – Dr. Janet McElhaney has received March of Dimes Canada’s prestigious Jonas Salk Award. Dr. McElhaney, who is Scientific Director at Health Sciences North Research Institute in Sudbury Ontario, is being recognized for her seminal research into aging, the immune system and the potential of vaccines to prevent disability. 

geriatrician, immunologist, vaccinologist, community leader, academic and policy advisor, Dr. McElhaney coined the phrase ‘vaccine-preventable disability’ to describe the use of immunization as a tool to prevent age-related frailty. Her work is particularly relevant now when vaccines are at the forefront of public discussion. It also has a crucial role to play in the important work of supporting Canadians to remain at home and in their communities as they get older. 

“I am deeply honoured to be receiving this award,” says Dr. McElhaney. “I have been blessed throughout my research and clinical career to have worked with so many wonderful scientists and clinicians, each of whom have contributed so much to whatever success I can claim. It is the greatest joy of my life to have been able to make a meaningful contribution to the health and well-being of older adults, whose experience and wisdom have taught me so much. Thank you to my family who supported me always with good humour and love.” 

“Dr. McElhaney’s work on vaccines and aging deserves to be celebrated,” says Len Baker, President and CEO of March of Dimes Canada. “She shares our commitment to creating remarkable change, and we’re thrilled to welcome her to our list of Jonas Salk Award winners.” 

The Jonas Salk Award recognizes a scientist, physician or researcher who has made an extraordinary contribution to preventing, alleviating, or eliminating a physical disability. It has been presented every year since 1994 and includes a $10,000 prize. Read more about the Jonas Salk Award here. 




For more information: 

Tina Siegel, Communications Specialist 

March of Dimes Canada 
