Polio Online Virtual Support Group

April 20, 2020

laughing older woman

Laughing older woman

Polio Virtual Support Group

Weekly on Wednesdays (11 am PST, 12 noon MST, 2 pm EST, 3 pm AST)

Social distancing doesn't have to mean disconnection - our online programs will help you stay connected and engaged from the safety and comfort of your own home. MODC offers online programs and platforms for polio survivors and their loved ones, that connect you a community of people who understand.

Connect with polio survivors all throughout the country in this weekly virtual support group. A great opportunity to meet new people and reconnect with others, and to share and learn about new resources and information. All are welcome!

Dates: Weekly on Wednesdays

Times: 11 a.m. PST
            12 noon
            2 p.m. EST
            3 p.m. AST

Call us today at 1-800-480-5903 or email peersupport@marchofdimes.ca for more information and instructions on how to join the Polio online virtual support group.

We look forward to staying connected to you!