Camille Garcia

Camille Garcia

As the Canadian Royal Mint has recently decided to discontinue production of the penny, March of Dimes Canada has been encouraging people to donate their pennies to support our programs and services for children and adults with disabilities.

Recently, Camille Garcia, daughter of our Senior Manager of Human Resources, Shirley Marie Garcia undertook a personal fundraising campaign to collect pennies on behalf of March of Dimes.

She was able to gather 20 jars of pennies through the generosity of friends, and was thrilled to have collected 12,500 pennies and over 2,200 coins of different denominations, raising a total of $368.00!

"There are several reasons why I wanted to do this," says Camille.

One, is it is not often during the summer I would have the opportunity to engage myself in such a project collecting pennies and knowing that this will help change the lives of others and at the same time gaining my high school community hours. Second, I always have this belief that by giving back to the community and making a difference even the smallest of actions can make a positive change in the lives of others who need help. Finally, I would like to thank my mom for this idea because it opened my eyes that if I set my mind on something and stick to it then I can reach the goal I want to accomplish.

It meant a lot to me. The moments of talking about the project, dropping off the jars, collecting the pennies and writing thank notes provided so much experience which help hone my people and leadership skills to a new level and knowing I’m able to help others.

Pennies can have a major impact. They can change the lives by supporting programs and services that maximize the independence, personal empowerment and community participation of people with disabilities,” she continues.

Thank you Camille for your generosity! Your pennies do make a big difference!

5,000 pennies = $50 that helps a stroke survivor participate in a peer support group

12,000 pennies = $120 that helps a child’s participation in one week of the Conductive Education Program where they are taught skills and techniques to help them overcome the challenges of their disabilities

24,000 pennies = $240 that helps fund one week of the youth leadership program which is dedicated to increasing independence and self-confidence in young people aged 19-24.

Camille counting the coins Camille with the final products
Camille at the TD Bank  The fundraising kit