March of Dimes Canada Statement on the Results of Canada’s 44th Federal Election

September 22, 2021

Smiling man in red shirt
After voting concluded in Canada’s 44th Federal General Election, Canadians returned the Liberal Party of Canada, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to a minority government. March of Dimes Canada offers its congratulations to Prime Minister Trudeau and his team upon their re-election and best wishes as they begin the work of government anew.

March of Dimes Canada also sends congratulations to Hon. Erin O’Toole and new and re-elected Conservative Party of Canada MPs as they form Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition; to Jagmeet Singh and the New Democratic Party of Canada new and re-elected MPs; to Yves-François Blanchet and Bloc Québécois new and re-elected MPs; and to Green Party of Canada new and re-elected MPs for their success in the election and commitment to representing their constituents to the best of their abilities.

The courage and commitment required to put one’s name on a ballot is not an easy task. March of Dimes Canada recognizes all candidates who stood for election, sending thanks for their willingness to represent their communities and build a better Canada by running for public office.

Canadian voters, including those with disabilities, have made their expectations clear: it is time to end disability poverty in Canada. March of Dimes Canada will build on our advocacy work to ensure financial security for people with disabilities, including a livable income that does not disincentivize employment or result in any clawbacks by other orders of government, as well as transformation in the administration and management of federal disability support programs.

As Prime Minister Trudeau builds his Cabinet and the 44th Parliament assumes responsibility for governing, March of Dimes Canada asks that the needs and perspectives of people with disabilities are top of mind. In the coming weeks and months, March of Dimes Canada will work with the Trudeau government, opposition parties and community stakeholders to ensure a new Canada Disability Act is introduced and passed at the first opportunity, leading to the implementation of a federal benefit that ends disability poverty in Canada. We are looking forward to hearing more about the work the 44th Parliament will undertake to complete this as one of its first orders of business.

March of Dimes Canada again congratulates and looks forward to working with Prime Minister Trudeau and his team over the coming weeks, months and years to ensure equity and full inclusion for Canadians with disabilities.