Ontario increases funding for essential home and vehicle modifications

August 29, 2022

Smiling HVMP recipient Michelle and her daughter Aime in front of their modified car

Investment will help more people with disabilities remain safe and independent at home

Toronto, Ontario – March of Dimes Canada is applauding the Minister of Finance Peter Bethlenfalvy and the Ontario government’s decision to respond to an urgent need with a $15 million increase in funding over three years for the province’s Home and Vehicle Modification Program (HVMP), with the passing of the Ontario Budget 2022-23 today.

Administered by March of Dimes Canada, the Home and Vehicle Modification Program helps people with disabilities in Ontario pay for changes to their homes or vehicles so they can safely live at home, be active in their communities, work or attend school. For many people, these modifications make the difference between requiring long-term care or remaining independent in their own homes, which over three quarters (78 per cent) of people in Canada have identified as a goal as they age.1

“This $5 million increase each year for the next three years will make it possible for us to deliver about 500 more home and vehicle modification grants annually. Every HVMP grant will enable someone to achieve independence in their own home and community," says Len Baker, President and CEO of March of Dimes Canada. "We would like to thank Ministers Peter Bethlenfalvy and Raymond Cho for championing this program and understanding the value Ontarians with disabilities place on being able to remain at home, safely and independently. We’d also like to extend our deepest thanks to the HVMP grantees who paid it forward through incredible advocacy over the last year.”

Last year, the Home and Vehicle Modification Program received over 3,000 applications but was able to fund about one third, or 902 projects across the province. This demonstrates an enormous unmet need and a desire among Ontarians living with disabilities and seniors to adapt their homes and vehicles to meet their unique needs. March of Dimes Canada has been working with the government over the past two years, demonstrating the unmet need and advocating for this additional funding.

“This is an enormous step forward,” says Jason Lye, Vice-President, Community Support Services. “The government’s investment means we can say yes to 500 more applicants who otherwise wouldn’t have access to life-changing modifications.”

About Home and Vehicle Modification Program

The program is available to permanent residents of Ontario who live with a substantial disability that impacts their mobility and daily function, and who can’t afford the modifications they need to maximize their independence.

Typical home modifications include ramps to get in and out of the house, widening doorways to accommodate wheelchairs, renovating bathrooms to create walk-in showers and lifts to get upstairs. Vehicle modifications range from allowing access for people in wheelchairs to adapting vehicles so people with disabilities can drive.

About March of Dimes Canada

Founded over 70 years ago, March of Dimes Canada is a national charity committed to championing equity, empowering ability, and creating real change that will help people living with disabilities across the country unlock the richness of their lives. As a leading service provider, resource, and advocate, we’re paving the way for people living with disabilities to experience full and meaningful lives in an inclusive world. For more information call 1-800-263-3463.


For more information:

Sasha Elford
National Manager, Public Affairs
March of Dimes Canada

1 March of Dimes Canada, 2021, https://www.marchofdimes.ca/en-ca/aboutus/newsroom/pr/Pages/Aging-at-Home.aspx