Alexander Chiasson

Alexander Chiasson - MODC Conductive Education student
Our 13-year-old son Alexander was born with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy.  Alexander was born at 27 1/2 weeks weighing 2lbs, 10 oz. That day was the happiest and scariest day of our lives. We understood that we would definitely be facing with some very challenging times.

When Alexander was 5-years-old we heard about Conductive Education® (CE).  We researched and asked other families if they had tried CE, and if they noticed results.  We weren't looking for a miracle cure, we just wanted our son to develop and be the best he could be!  So we got in contact with another family whose daughter participated in Conductive Education. They had a conductor come from Hungary that did intensive sessions with their daughter. Looking at the videos, and meeting her daughter.....we knew we had to try this.

After seeing Alexander do things that we were told he could not do, was jaw dropping!  Alexander was working so hard, and singing with his conductor.  When asked what he would like to do..... Alex said "learn to stand up and pee, like Daddy!"  After seeing Alexander's accomplishments we knew that we would have to do everything in our power to keep this going.

When we heard March of Dimes was offering Conductive Education® in Halifax, we jumped onboard to get Alexander involved.  Alexander has learned so much from his amazing conductors!  Alexander is learning to use the body he has been given and feeling great pride in his accomplishments!

My husband and I only have one issue with Conductive Education®, and that is the cost.  We are forever grateful for the subsidies that are sometimes put on our bill, but if this wonderful program could be covered under our insurance, or funded through the Government it would make things a lot easier.  My husband and I will do whatever it takes for our son to continue in this program.  We strongly believe that Alexander has by-passed surgery on his hips and legs due to Conductive Education.  Alexander uses what he has learned in Conductive Education in his daily life.  Remembering how to sit, head up, and push through the bottom of his back. We often hear Alexander when he is playing saying to himself "remember legs apart!"  My husband and I are still amazed at the goals given to Alex in class.....and Alexander is accomplishing these, with lots of hard work.

Tammy & Chris Chiasson