Tony Barros

Tony Barros, Stroke Survivor and member of March of Dimes Canada Board of Directors
​​There was a time when I thought my life was over…and I was only 42 years old.  A massive stroke hit me out of the blue and plunged me into a six-year nightmare.

Robbed of my career, my active life, and my independence, I was lucky to be alive. But it didn’t seem that way to me. I woke up from a two-week coma to find myself completely paralyzed on the right side of my body and dependent on others to do almost everything.

Despite tremendous help from my family, I was like a prisoner in the four walls of my house. Feeling isolated and frustrated doing the simplest tasks, I became despondent…until I heard about the Stroke Recovery Canada® Program. They were there for me and changed my life for the better…and continue to make a difference in my life.

Tony and wife CattPeer support and all of the elements of the program have been invaluable in my recovery. The people at March of Dimes taught me how to manage my disability and do stroke aftercare, and provided the peer support to help me realize I was not alone. They got me “out of the corner” and helped me get my confidence back. My life is back on track and I have March of Dimes…and my wife…to thank!

Today I have so much to look forward to in my life.  My wife Cattarina and I are soon to celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary. I am an active member and volunteer for my local Stroke Recovery Canada® peer support group…and I am now a member of March of Dimes Canada Board of Directors. None of this would have been possible without my involvement in the program!

Tony Barros
Stroke Survivor
and member of March of Dimes Canada Board of Directors​