Importance of Peer Support

January 01, 2019

MODC Press Release

Peer support an important part of living with stroke or post-polio syndrome

For Immediate Release: Living with the effects of a stroke or polio can be challenging. Not only are there medical logistics to deal with – appointments, medications, therapies –but there are also social and psychological impacts. 

Some stroke survivors, for instance, have difficulty communicating or moving around, which can lead to isolation and depression. One way to address emotional health issues is to surround yourself with people who understand what you’re going through. 

That’s where March of Dimes Canada (MODC) comes in. Our After Stroke program includes peer support groups where stroke survivors and caregivers can connect with other survivors and caregivers. It’s an opportunity to share information, ask questions, get an idea of what the future might hold. It’s also a chance to socialize and be part of the community. 

Here’s stroke survivor, wrestling legend, and MODC supporter Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart on After Stroke.

MODC also offers peer support for polio survivors, and people living with post-polio syndrome. Many Canadians consider polio to be part of the past, but some survivors still live with the effects of the disease, and often encounter a health care system that doesn’t understand their experience or their diagnosis. 

We made this video to celebrate Polio Awareness Month (October), and it demonstrates how much general education is still needed about the disease. Our peer support groups are there to let polio survivors know they aren’t alone.

Everyone lives with challenges, and everyone needs support. Social engagement is crucial to mental and emotional well-being for stroke and polio survivors, and that’s why we work hard to make it a part of all our programs. 

For more information about our peer support groups, and other MODC services, please visit​. 


March of Dimes Canada is a nationally registered charitable organization providing support services to people with physical disabilities, their families and caregivers across Canada. Our goal is to enhance the independence and community participation of people with physical disabilities every day through a wide range of programs and services across Canada.  For more information, please visit or call 1-800-263-3463.   

For more information:
Tina Siegel, PR and Media Coordinator
March of Dimes Canada
Office: 1.800.263.3463 ext. 7258
Cell: 416.606.0541